


Horoscope Says Avoid Zodiac, Signs of the Apocalypse

Zodiac, Signs of the Apocalypse on DVD

There have been several disaster movies that rely on "signs and wonders" as a plot device, but few as hokey as ZODIAC: SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE.

An archeological dig uncovers an ancient stone machine harboring a stone of unmeasurable energy. The machine is geared to the twelve signs of the zodiac, the orbit of the eight planets -- and the eliptical orbit of the mysterious planet Nebiru. Professor Neil Martin (Joel Gretsch) is brought in to help understand the device, and he brings along his shy teenaged son, Colin (Reilly Dolman). Martin unlocks the device, landing the stone inside in the hands of Kathryn Keen (Emily Holmes) and her government bosses, starting with Agent Woodward (Aaron Douglas). They also end up rescuing Sophie (Andrea Brooks), who was the assistant on the last mission to the dig, who got buried in a cave-in.


Into the Woods Doesn't Go Deep Enough

Into the Woods

Anything can happen in the woods.. but not enough.


Into the Woods: Be Careful What You Wish For

Into the Woods

Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods is a fantasy film for those who love a humorous musical with witty lyrics and powerful themes that will stick with you after the movie is over. Director Rob Marshall (who also directed the Academy Award winning Chicago)  does a good job bringing a fairytale landscape with larger than life characters to the big screen.  Despite the pacing and disjointed storylines during the second half of the film, the outstanding vocal performances make this a movie I’d like to see again.   This magical story intertwines multiple Grimm fairy tales with a story of The Baker (James Corden) and The Baker’s Wife (Emily Blunt) who are trying to lift a spell cast by The Witch (Meryl Streep).


Pure Flix Asks "Do You Believe?"

Do You Believe?

From the folks who brought us the thoughtful comedy MOMS' NIGHT OUT and the inspirational GOD'S NOT DEAD comes a dramatic character-driven film, DO YOU BELIEVE?


The Trip to Italy a Recipe for Fun

The Trip to Italy

This follow-up movie to 2010’s much acclaimed THE TRIP reunites Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, this time on a culinary tour of Italy at the request of Director Michael Winterbottom. One might call it a tour-de-farce.


The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies starts Dec 17, 2014

Peter Jackson is a talented director, but he’s got to know when to say when. After seeing to “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” I’ve now spent almost a full 24 hour day (including the extended cuts of the original Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the two previous Hobbit films) in his vision of J. R. R. Tolkien’s  Middle Earth. For the most part, it’s been enjoyable. The Hobbit, just off the top of my head, is probably less than a fifth as long as the Lord of the Rings epic, and yet it takes nearly as long to tell cinematically. If you’re a regular reader of mine you can probably predict where I’m going with this: Less is more.


The Divergent Series: Insurgent Trailer Released

The Divergent Series: Insurgent

Jeanine (Kate Winslet) has "the box." Now what does she plan on doing with it, and what does it have to do with the Divergents? Tris (Shailene Woodley) and her allies are about to find out, because Jeanine needs the right Divergent to open the box.

This trailer for the Summit Entertainment film from Director Robert Schwentke has a lot of action shots in it: people making split-second timed jumps, things exploding, glass shattering. There's even some intriguing plot bits here, and a huge vista of dystopic scenery. But is that going to be enough to see a resurgence (see what I did there?) in viewer interest, after DIVERGENT's less-than-stellar reviews? We'd love to know what you think. Use the Disqus comment section below and help us gauge whether INSURGENT is going to be better, worse or the same as DIVERGENT after you check out the trailer below.


Nine Christmas Movies for Guys Who Hate Christmas Movies

Merry Christmas Guys!

Christmas time is here, and with it yet another excuse for a useless list that nobody will ever agree with -- at least, not wholeheartedly.

I don't care. It's my list, and if it does anything at all, maybe it will get people talking. That's why we have the Disqus comments section, so that people can offer alternatives.

There are countless Christmas movies out there, but so few of them are ones that guys can watch and retain their self-respect. (Trust me, if you get caught watching THE CHRISTMAS SHOES at an emotional moment, you may as well consign your testicles to your wife, because you've just subscribed to a year of watching Lifetime movies with her.) So presented here are our Top Nine Movies for Guys Who Hate Christmas Movies.

Why Top Nine and not Top Ten? Because of the classic line from "The Twelve Days of Christmas" -- Nine Ladies Dancing! And here are our nine dancing ladies to introduce each title.

You're welcome.


Pumping Iron Gets Digital HD Release

For a good portion of Americans these days, when you mention Arnold Schwarzenegger, images of Conan the Barbarian, a killer cyborg from the future, an action hero or an aging California politician come to mind. Few, I would bet, remember him prior to all that when, in his prime, he ruled the world of professional bodybuilding with a dominance that made him a legend. Oh, sure, you may remember him as being big and muscular, but do you remember just how big, muscular and defined he was?

PUMPING IRON is a documentary movie, narrated by Charles Gains, the author of the book “Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding,” chronicling the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia competitions of 1975. Released now in Digital HD, the movie gives new life to the legend that is “Arnold.”


Top 10 Romantic Comedies

Top Ten Romantic Comedies

Legend has it that whomever you kiss on New Year's Eve is who you'll be with the rest of the year.

Set the stage for romance with that perfect someone with some of these all-time best romantic comedies.


1. Four Weddings and a Funeral

The casting was amazing for this film. It is fun, unsuspecting and was a great introduction to Hugh Grant’s comedic brilliance, as well as many funny co-stars with a A+ script.


2. A Life Less Ordinary

Ewan McGregor and Cameron Diaz are huge talents that are under-rated. This movie is unpredictable, unusual, and funny.


3.  My Best Friend’s Wedding

Hilarious and light. I loved the storyline, casting, and especially the comedic talent of Cameron Diaz. A lot of situational comedy that is second to none.


4.  As Good as it Gets


When Santa Fell To Earth...From Gallifrey?

When Santa Fell To Earth DVD

Stop me if you've heard this one before: There's a rather quirky gentleman with unkempt hair who wears a floppy frock coat. He's on the run from a council of his peers who see things in a more serious and sinister way than he does, so he steals a conveyance that's little more than a big blue box that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside and lands in the countryside and gets a couple of young people to assist him in avoiding notice by tall, bulky mechanical men who issue threats in an electronic voice.


BOND 24 Live Announcement Pending

(Pinewood Studios, UK) - On Thursday, 4th December at 11:00am GMT (3:00am PST; 6:00am EST) Albert R. Broccoli's EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Sony Pictures Entertainment will present a live announcement and photo call from the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios. The title and cast of the 24th Bond film will be revealed, marking the start of principal photography on Monday 8th December. A global audience will be able to watch the announcement live via a web stream at

The video frame below will begin live streaming the announcement beginning at 5:50am EST through 6:15am EST. That's a narrow window, so all you American Bond fans will have to be early risers.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser a Post-Thanksgiving Treat

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

A long time ago, in a theater far (but not too far) away, a ten-year-old future movie reviewer fired imaginary lasers from the armrests of his fold-down crush-velvet seat, while the Millenium Falcon evaded the forces of the Empire. (Best. Birthday. Ever.) That little boy was disheartened years later to encounter Jar-Jar Binks, but is giddy once again after seeing this very brief teaser for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.

As enticing as the sands of Tatooine are in the opening sequence, as chuckle-worthy as the runaway droid is during the middle, and as cool as it is to see X-Wing fighters skimming along the surface of some body of water, it's the final scene of this trailer that is going to have STAR WARS fans from here all the way back to May 25, 1977 cheering in anticipation.

Check out the teaser below and let us know your comments!


Jurassic World Trailer Looks Familiar, Still Cool

Jurassic World

It's not enough to use genetic engineering to bring back to life the dinosaurs of the past. Now the good doctors at the dinosaur theme park have managed to create a "genetically modified hybrid." Let me agree with generic action hero on this: "Probably not a good idea."

While the story may seem more than familiar, there's no denying the special effects give JURASSIC WORLD a visual appeal. The long distance shots, the "riding my giant hamster ball with dinosaurs" scene, the pregnant silent pause during the use of a shark as bait... even the telegraphed foreshadowing from another Spielberg mom that bookends the trailer, as simple as it is, makes me want to see this film on a big screen. Even the music is just the right kind of haunting pianissimo to understate the suspense while building it.

Check out the trailer for JURASSIC WORLD below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Kickstarter: Snape and the Marauders

Harry Potter fan film

It's hard to explain where fanaticism develops, but for anybody who has experienced it, they can commiserate on how it feels. They understand the planting of this seed and how it grows, burns, and consumes, driving people to follow something. When most people think of extremely passionate people, they automatically think of “nerds” or “geeks”. But, frankly speaking, everybody experiences fanaticism, whether it's being a football fan and buying a player's jersey or going to the shoe store three times a week for just “one more pair” of boots.


Jennifer Lawrence Brilliant in Mockingjay

The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part 1

MOCKINGJAY PART 1 is the continuing story of Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and is the 3rd movie adaptation of THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy of books written by Suzanne Collins. The film picks up where CATCHING FIRE left off, without very much time lapse in between. Katniss wakes up in District 13 (the district below ground that was always thought to exist, and which no one -- not even President Snow -- knew where) after surviving the Quarter Quell, saving the life of her partner, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) and seemingly putting an end to the Hunger Games for good.


The Duff Evokes Deja Vu for 80s Teen RomComs


Does anybody remember the 80s movie CAN'T BUY ME LOVE that launched nerdy Patrick Dempsey into becoming a sex symbol?

Don't worry if you missed it, because with CBS Films' and Lionsgate's THE DUFF you'll get another shot at the plot. Mae Whitman plays Bianca, a high school student who learns by accident that she is the DUFF of her group -- the Designated Ugly Fat Friend, whose job it is to make all the others look better by comparison. Determined to make herself over, she recruits the popular athlete (Robbie Amell), offering to tutor him into passing his science exams if he will teach her how to de-DUFF herself. But she runs into opposition from the school's Queen Bee (Bella Thorne) who doesn't like it when people try to bust out of the labels she's slapped on them.


Tammy No Debbie Reynolds

Tammy on Blu-Ray

Melissa McCarthy's titular character, Tammy, is having a rough day. She hits a deer, is late for work, gets fired, goes home to find her husband at the table with another woman, and moves back to her mother two doors over, where she promptly announces she's shaking the dirt off her feet from this nowhere town -- again. This culminates in a wild, mouthy road trip with her grandmother (played by Susan Sarandon) to Niagara Falls, with no map, no plan, and no filters.


Legends of the Knight Far More Than Comic Book Doc

Legends of the Knight #WeAreBatman

When I sat down to watch LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT, I confess my expectations were low. I elected to review it because I'm a lifelong Batman fan. At 6, I had converted the top bunk into Wayne Manor, with a hand-drawn picture of George Washington tacked to the wall that, when trouble arose (as it inevitably did) I would turn around so that it displayed the convenient sign "To the Batcave -->" after which I would then slide down the bedpost and prepare to save the world. (My youthful impressions of Batman were obviously informed by the Adam West / Burt Ward television adventures.)

I knew, at its most basic level, that LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT was going to focus on individuals who were also Batman fans, and I assumed I would be meeting up with some kindred spirits divided among collectors and obsessors.


The Box Office Boo Boo That Tanks Dumb and Dumber To

Dumb and Dumber To

A single scene can elevate a mediocre film into a great film. By the same token, a single scene can take a mediocre film and taint it to the point that it's all audiences will remember.

At this point, I'm thinking the Farrelly brothers have to still be debating whether or not it would be worth the cost to recall all the prints of DUMB AND DUMBER TO just to excise about thirty seconds -- little more than a cameo, really -- that drew groans from preview audiences.


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