The Longbox Short-List - Week of March 9, 2016

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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

Last week, I only had a handful of books. This week, I am swamped with over 30 books I am buying. Can’t we spread things out a little more evenly, comic industry? 

INSEXTS #4 – Aftershock is putting out some real crazy books. A friend of mine called them the next Valiant. Now, I still love the old Valiant, but I do see it as a fitting title. A nice variety of books covering some real fresh new ground. INSEXTS might be their loftiest book. It’s set during Victorian times and focuses on a secret lesbian couple…who happen to have some kind of freaky insect powers. It’s one of the craziest books I’ve ever read and definitely worth checking out.

VISION #5 – I was a late arrival on this series. I love Tim King’s work on Grayson, but I just never thought I could be interested in a Vision series. My friend Grey (who also turned me on to Aftershock) has recommended this a few times. I finally read the first four issues last night. HOLY CRAP! This is an incredibly disturbing book. From about halfway through the first issue (when they promise that later in the series an elderly couple will die in a horrible fire set by one of the main characters), it was real clear this was going to be unlike anything else the Big Two put out. I have no idea where this series is going (especially since King is now DC exclusive), but I am on board for the ride.

SHAFT IMITATION OF LIFE #2 – David F. Walker is back writing Shaft! The first series was awesome, and the first issue of Imitation of Life was more of the same. I kind of wish this was an ongoing series, but I guess I would rather a great mini-series every now and then than an ongoing series that felt forced. 

STARFIRE #10 – Another casualty of DC Rebirth. Starfire is one of my favorite series. It’s fun and light-hearted, which is sorely lacking from most comics these days. I just hope they keep her far away from Red Hood and The Outlaws…unless Palmiotti and Conner are taking that book over. They are a great fit for Starfire!

NINJAK #13 – I never expected to see Shadowman’s story continuing in Ninjak, but I am a huge Shadowman fan, so I am happy that it happened! Hopefully this will lead to Shadowman getting his own series again. Ninjak is a terrific series, and I love how it makes it’s way through the entire Valiant universe.

ALL-NEW WOLVERINE #6 – When X-23 first appeared in NYX, I was just getting ready for one of my hiatuses in comic reading. By the time I came back to reading comics, she was already a pretty established character, but I basically missed all that. All that said, I have really enjoyed her in this new series. I like the way they’ve involved characters like Doctor Strange. She’s really carved out a nice corner of the Marvel universe for herself. It’s rare for new characters to get a strong footing, so I’m glad to see Laura/X-23/WOLVERINE!! is doing so well!

MS MARVEL #5 – My favorite superhero at the moment! And not just because she’s from Jersey City! Ms Marvel is a terrific character. It’s been great to see her get a little more exposure in books like All-New All-Different Avengers and the next issue of Spider-Man. Like I just said about X-23, it’s great to see a new character succeed. 

BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL #23 – This weekly series is starting to wind down. Unlike Batman Eternal, most of the big surprises have been doled out across the series, so we’re not going to get everything all loaded into overstuffed last issues. This series was the perfect pacing and length for this story. 

RED WOLF #4 – I don’t hear much about this book, but I think it’s been a pretty solid book. Unfortunately, I can’t imagine it will have much legs, but part of the reason I do this column is to bring attention to books people might not normally know about. It’s not one of Marvel’s more flashy books, but it does it’s job real well. A fun “fish out of water” story which helps expand on Marvel’s “new” reality some.

ACTION COMICS #50 & DETECTIVE COMICS #50 – 2 big anniversary issues that should bring some dramatic changes to the “Truth” and “Bat-Gordon” storylines, respectively. I know these stories haven’t always been the most popular with the readers, but I’ve thought they were great shifts to the status quo and very entertaining. In a few issues, both of these books will go back to their original numbering as they speed towards their 1000th issues. 

DOCTOR STRANGE #6 – Another Marvel series that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Hopefully with the movie coming out that will change some!