The Longbox Short-List - Week of June 8, 2016

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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

Wacky Raceland #1 - Wasn't expecting to put this on my list, but I really enjoyed Future Quest and Scooby Doo, so figured why not give it a shot. Take Wacky Races, set it in a Mad Max like future, and you have one hell of a strange concept for a comic. 

DC Rebirth - Action Comics and Detective Comics return to their old numbering. And we get Aquaman, Flash, and Wonder Woman Rebirth all coming out this week. When I am sitting down to type this, I actually haven't read any of last week's Rebirth specials yet, but the reviews have looked real positive, so I am looking forward to reading them. 

Kings Quest #2 - I really enjoyed the first issue of Kings Quest, but I was shocked to discover that it was the third book in a trilogy of stories that combined a bunch of classic "King" characters like Phantom, Mandrake, Flash Gordon, and Prince Valiant. So I decided to catch up before I continued with this series. I read Kings Watch but the second "book" was actually a massive crossover, and I have not even got a chance to start that one yet. Dynamite continues its trend of taking old characters and making them cool.

Fix #3 - While most people are still hating on Nick Spencer for Captain Hydra, I really recommend people check out his Image series, Fix. It's a hilarious crime story, very much in the same spirit of his work on Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Ant-Man. And the first two issues have been great!

Civil War II - Civil War launches two of its tie-in series this week with Amazing Spider-Man and Gods of War. As I said before, I hadn't read my comics from last week yet, and that includes Civil War II #1. The FCBD and 0 issue didn't quite convince me that this crossover needed to exist, but I continue to be a sucker for big events, so I am sure I will end up picking these up anyway.

Vision #8 - This series continues to be SO MESSED UP! But I love it so much. Shame that Tom King is leaving by issue 12 to go conquer Batman, but I can't wait to see what other twisted stories we will get from this one before it's done.

Star Trek Manifest Destiny #4 - This was a really good bi-weekly series set in the new Star Trek continuity telling the story of some rogue Klingons. IDW has done a great job expanding on the movies, and I hope they continue to do more series like this. The newest issue of the terrific ongoing Star Trek series also comes out this week.