The Longbox Short-List - Week of June 15, 2016

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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

DC REBIRTH - After seven Rebirth titles coming out in the last two weeks, DC slows it down a bit, and this week we only get Titans.  It seems like Titans Rebirth will be tied into the bigger story about Pre-Flashpoint Wally West finally making his way into the New-52.  I am really excited about this one.  Wally West has been one of my favorite characters for a long time, and it seems like this series will also pick up from Titans Hunt which was a terrific surprise.   We also get the first issue of Green Lanterns, Green Arrow, Superman, and Batman spinning out of their Rebirth books from two weeks ago.

SCOOBY APOCALYPSE #2 - The first issue of Scooby Apocalypse was pretty much exactly what I expected.  A real well done story updating Scooby Doo for a modern audience.  Strong characters and a compelling storyline. I definitely in for the long haul on this one.

CIVIL WAR II X-MEN #1 - Civil War II seems to have a lot of potential, but so far the execution hasn't done much for me.  Marvel's mutant line has quietly been putting out some of the best superhero comics out today, so I am curious to see how this all plays out as the various X-Mens start to fall apart.

CIVIL WAR - Also coming out this week is Civil War II #2 and Deadpool #14.  So far Civil War II hasn't grabbed me all that much, but I am still hopeful.

STAR WARS HAN SOLO #1 - I was born in 1979, so Han Solo was the ultimate cool hero to me.  Marvel has done a terrific job with the Star Wars license, and I'm looking forward to see what Majorie Liu and Mark Brooks will do with this mini series.

VOTE LOKI #1 - File this one under "why not?" This election season has been such an absolute train wreck.  We did get some great political satire with DC's Prez and Image's Citizen Jack, and I am expecting more of the same here. 

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14 - I hate when Marvel does a crossover tie-in series featuring a character while they still have their main title going.  Civil War Amazing Spider-Man was actually pretty good last week, but it annoys me that I am buying double the Spider-Man for the next few months.  Granted, it's not as bad as when Spider-Man had four or five monthly titles, but still bruising on the wallet.