The Longbox Short-List - Week of July 13, 2016

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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

Nightwing Rebirth #1 - Grayson was one of the best series DC put out the last few years. I am really curious how they go about putting the genie back in the bottle since everyone knows Nightwing's secret identity...though Dick Grayson is supposed to be dead. And we never really got follow up to the end of Robin War. Lots of questions here, but I am still pretty excited to read it.

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1 - I had kind of given up on Green Lantern for a while, but Green Lanterns Rebirth has been very good. So I have added this to my pull lost hoping DC can keep the momentum going here.

Powerpuff Girls #1 - While the Powerpuff relaunch has been kind of blah, I am hoping that the comic will be good at least. 

Millarworld Annual 2016 #1 - Another book I am kind of torn on. I loved the last several series that Millar has put out...BUT...this book isn't by Millar, it's by contest winners who have set their stories in the various worlds Millar created. Hopefully, this one will have a few hidden gems, but I am not sure it's worth paying $3 for...

New Super-Man #1 - New Super-Man appeared briefly during Super-League. I thought it was a very cool take on the Superman story. All the Superman books have been so good lately, so I can't wait for this one!

Sabrina #6 - Hey...didn't issue 5 just come out a few weeks ago?? I think this is the first time since the series launched way back in October 2014 that we're getting two issues within a few weeks! Hopefully they can string a few more of these together. This is actually a terrific book, but I find it hard to remember what happens from issue to issue when I have to wait months in between.

Civil War II - Lots of Civil War this week. Civil War #3, CW: Amazing Spider-Man 2, Choosing Sides 2, Gods of War 2. Probably other books I am forgetting. We are pretty deep in here, and I still don't know how I feel about this one. Great concept, but the execution has been a little flat. Hoping it picks up soon, but like Secret Wars, it seems like a mostly forgettable crossover event.

Disney's Darkwing Duck #3 - Kind of hard to keep up with this series because they don't do it digitally, but the first two issues were awesome. Disney also doesn't do digital copies of their IDW series. Not sure why that is exactly. It is a real hassle for me as a primarily digital reader.

Archangel #2 - Sci-Fi God William Gibson put together this quirky time travel series for IDW. I picked it up on a recommendation from my friend Matt. First issue was solid and I'm curious to see how the rest of this one plays out.

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #9 - Labyrinth has been one hell of a disturbing story. Gilead has been captured and put in a maze where he is forced to die and reborn over and over again. Last issue, Gilead seemed about to turn things in his favor, but it's still been pretty messed up. Wrath of the Eternal Warrior is one of Valiant's best series, though not for the weak of heart.