First look at Cable and Domino from DEADPOOL 2

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When I started reading comics, X-Force was my absolute favorite.  I was there was the first appearance of Cable, Deadpool, and Domino, and I have been a fan of the characters ever since.   I absolutely loved the first DEADPOOL movie, and I was even more hyped up when they teased Cable for the sequel.  Over the last few days, we've gotten our first look at Cable (played by Josh Brolin) and Domino (played by Zazie Beetz). 


Of course, there are already some people on the internet complaining.  CABLE ISN'T BIG ENOUGH.  HIS HAIR LOOKS WRONG!  And of course, you will find the usual suspects complaining that Domino is now a black woman (I actually love that they gave her a white "eye patch.")  But as a long time, fan, I think they both look terrific.  And 12-year old Mike Maillaro who first fell in love with these characters would be thrilled by this. We've got the basis for an X-Force movie here, and NEW MUTANTS coming out as well.  This is a great time to be a comic fan who grew up in the late 80's/early 90's.  Now if we can just get an announcement that Shatterstar is in DEADPOOL 2...