Skottie Young gives Deadpool a Fresh Start
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From Polygon:
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, Polygon can reveal that the Merc With the Mouth is getting his own minty fresh start with Deadpool #1, the beginning of a new series written by Skottie Young and drawn by Nic Klein.
“Before I pitched Rocket Raccoon back in 2013, I tried to get Deadpool. haha..But he was spoken for so I said ‘well, i can kind of have a similar vibe for Rocket, just cleaned up a bit.’ So my head was already in that place.”
That place is a Deadpool book that’s “Fast paced, big and humorous,” Young continued. “I like to write stories that move fast and keep you on the ride. And I like to try and make you laugh while someone his getting their arm broken or head exploded. hahaha. Similar to my run on Rocket, I like doing shorter stories and have threads that weave in and out.”
Deadpool #1 will hit stands on June 6. Here’s the official solicit from Marvel, and a look at the full cover.
Skottie Young and Nic Klein bring you the craziest tales of the regeneratin’ degenerate yet! It’s been a while since Deadpool’s had to merc to make ends meet, but things are tough all over. While Deadpool tries to get his humble mercenary-for-hire business back off the ground, a catastrophic threat so unfathomably huge, so mind-breakingly cataclysmic it defies description, is heading towards Earth, and there’s only ONE PERSON WHO CAN STOP IT!!!
Oh no, wait, it’s…it’s not Wade, is it?
Oh, ☠☠☠☠. It’s Wade.
Source: Polygon
Commentary: SKOTTIE YOUNG DEADPOOL??? YES, PLEASE!! I actually kind of wish Skottie Young was drawing this book too, because that would take DEADPOOL to a whole new level of crazy. I don't know Nic Klein's work all that well, but that is a terrific cover.
I really enjoy Skottie Young's cartoony Avengers and X-Babies covers (we actually decorated my sister's baby shower with Skottie Young art a few years back). But his showed that his writing on more "serious" books like ROCKET RACCOON and I HATE FAIRYLAND is just as good. Deadpool has been having a rough go of things since evil Captain America manipulated him into murdering Agent Coulson. Definitely curious to see him get a bit of a FRESH START as his series has just been going to darker and darker places lately. Deadpool needs to be a little bit more fun, and Skottie Young is the right guy to find that balance.