Two Free Legendary Pokemon Available for Download Right Now!
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As part of Pokemon's 20th Anniversary, the good people at Nintendo and Game Freak have been making various Legendary Pokemon available for free downloads. Throughout the year, they have given out everything from Mew to Genesect. Often these downloads required customers to go to Gamestop and get free download codes. To wrap off the year, Nintendo has announced two last Legendaries as giveaways.
First up we have Meloetta
We round out the Pokémon 20th celebration with a chance to get the elegant Meloetta via Nintendo Network! The Melody Pokémon first appeared in the Unova region, complete with the capability of changing from Aria Forme to Pirouette Forme in battle when it used the move Relic Song.
Don’t miss your chance to have the graceful Meloetta perform in your Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game! Visit the Move Tutor in Mauville City to teach it Relic Song to transform it into Pirouette Forme once again! Receive Meloetta via Nintendo Network beginning December 1, 2016, for your Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, or Pokémon Y game. The Pokémon will be available only until December 24, 2016, so don't miss this opportunity!
Click here for directions on how to download Meloetta.
And for early adopters of Pokemon Moon and Sun, Nintendo has announced a free download for the newest legendary Pokemon, Mageama. You have to have completed the main story of the game first, and use your 3DS or 2DS's QR Reader:
Those who have completed the main story in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Mooncan now get the Mythical Pokémon Magearna via the QR Scanner feature by scanning the QR Code below. The Steel- and Fairy-type Magearna is the first Mythical Pokémon you can obtain in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Learn more about this cool Pokémon on the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon official site. This code will continue to work indefinitely, so there's no rush to beat the game!To get Magearna in your Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon game:
Complete the main story
Choose the QR Scanner function
Line up the QR code for Magearna while pressing the R Button
Visit the deliveryman at the Antiquities of the Ages shop in Hau'oli City to get Magearna
Be sure to save your game!
Magearna QR code: