Robyn Hood #19 by Zenescope Nocks "Into Glory"

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Pat Shand

Roberta Ingranata

Slamet Mujiono

Jim Campbell

Pat Shand

Production & Design
Christopher Cote
Joi Dariel

Grimm Universe created by
Joe Brusha
Ralph Tedesco



The Story:

On the night before Robyn plans to lead an attack on the Cabal, she receives a helping hand in the form of a former enemy and leader of the Dark Horde: Cindy. In exchange for Robyn's help in organizing the Horde, Cindy offers to lead them against the Cabal. Meanwhile, Marian has Avella's life but her Elemental Familiar died in the process. As the group of friends is scattered on the even of their biggest battle, the Cabal prepares to make their final play.

As it was announced that Robyn Hood is ending, the series is in 'wrap-up' mode. Hoping to tie up any loose ends, we see the beginnings of a final showdown between the Cabal and Robyn Hood. While starting off a little slow, it definitely offers a 'final episode' feel to it with a marriage proposal. Couple that with an unfortunate turn of events and it's clear that this finale is determined to leave no stone unturned.

Pat Shand is pulling out all the stops and delivering heart pounding action while catapulting characters in harm's way.

This issue couldn't possibly duplicate the weight that it carries if not for the fact the serie was ending. While I'm not entirely sure if that's a good thing, it certainly doesn't diminish its value. While the issue does start off a little slow, it's a required moment of silence before the storm hits.

That 'storm' becomes a violent romp through the streets that would make the showdown between the Sharks and the Jets seem like nothing more than a pissing contest.

This issue was brilliantly laid out in order to capture the chaos that is best described as a "F@%&ing Riot". And, as is known to happen, people end up getting in the way of something not meant for them. Tragedy strikes in the worst way and at one point even Robyn finds herself fighting for her life. I don't want to short change Roberta Ingranata's artwork here. The ability to deliver facial expressions and interactions during the character interactions are just as important as whipping up some dynamic fight sequences. Both of which Ingranata has shown excellent proficiency for.

If you were upset about the end of Robyn Hood, this issue is determined to have you clawing for more. And unfortunately, you only have one more issue to look forward to before Robyn Hood becomes nothing more than a legend.

If you're one of those readers that jumps ship after hearing about the end of a title, you would be making a horrible mistake here. As much as I hate to see it end, I'm looking forward to the experience and following the story to its completion.

Favorite NON-Spoilerish Line:

"Everyone dies. Everything Ends. The end is what makes the rest matter." - The most meta moment the series has to offer. Way to kick readers in the 'feels' and, at the same time, find a way for us to feel better about it, Pat Shand.

4.5 / 5.0