Zenescope's Deadly Twist in Pitting Van Helsing vs Robyn Hood
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Van Helsing vs Robyn Hood is a 4-part mini-series that has the vampire hunter crossing paths with the "otherworldly fixer-for-hire".
The story starts off with an action sequence as Van Helsing quickly dispatches a few low-level vampires. Business as usual for her, as she almost appears to be enjoying herself. Until one vampire in particular seems to be trying to send her a message:
"Find Von."
He seems to be struggling to fight "the hunger" but fights it long enough to give Liesel (Van Helsing) a clue as to who infected him. After killing him, she notices a crown tatoo on the side of his neck.
As we jump over to Robyn, she's struggling with domestication as she burns a pan of muffins. A nice moment of levity before the story ramps up the action. She gets a message from someone asking for help in finding her missing son.
Robyn attends the meeting with some caution, hinting that some of her enemies have posed as clients hoping to get the jump on her. After some questioning, and receiving a photo of "Jared", Robyn takes the case. Upon closer inspection of the photo, a crown tatoo is visible on his neck.
Liesel and Robyn eventually cross paths as they both try to uncover separate, but related, mysteries.
From cover to cover, the interior art is very well done. Allan Otero and Leonardo Paciarotti deliver better quality than some of the artists working for bigger publishers. From the action sequences to subtle facial expressions Otero's art really shines. His background detail seems to shift, based on the focal point of each panel as its never too distracting. It fills the page without pulling your eyes away from the characters.
Paciarotti's colors compliment Otero's art to provide so much depth and texture. Each change in scenery is given its own distinct color palette that helps set the tone. The imagery really allows you to immerse yourself whether you are in Robyn's kitchen, or sneaking around the back alleyways.
It's not easy convincing readers to buy-in to another crossover that pits hero vs hero. It's been done to death by many of the bigger publishers and it almost makes you wonder why we even have villains in the first place.
However, in this story by Brusha, Tedesco, and Franchini, they've crafted a clever twist in not only bringing them together, but in forcing an unwanted confrontation. The main theme of the story will be the test of true friendship, with a vampire underground as the backdrop.
Their loyalty will be tested in a battle of good versus I'm-not-trying-to-be-evil-but-the-hunger-is-consuming-me. The first issue of this 4-part mini-series sets you up perfectly for some girl-on-girl action with two of Zenescope's finest characters.
Who will come out on top?
I highly recommend picking up the issue to watch how this well crafted story begins!
Story: Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, & Dave Franchini
Writer: Ralph Tedesco
Artwork: Allan Otero
Colors: Leonardo Paciarotti
Letters: Taylor Esposito
Editor: Terry Kavanagh
Production & Design: Christopher Cote & Ashley Vanacore