Tom King's (Almost) Perfect Superman Story in Action Comics #1000
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Not sure if you've heard by now but Action Comics #1000 comes out tomorrow. On the same day that Action Comics #1 debuted.
In AC1K Tom King (Batman, Grayson) tells a tale about the end of days for the planet Earth, and how Superman is visiting for one final goodbye to his parents. It's a beautiful homage to Ma and Pa Kent who took in an alien immigrant and raised him as their own. Loved him like he was born from them.
Then King ruined it with one panel. Give a listen to the latest "Superman Talk" and I'll explain why. If you haven't read his story yet and can't wait for tomorrow, you can read it for free here.
Action Comics #1000 features 80 pages of all-new stories and art from some of the industry's top (and legendary) talents including Scott Snyder, Brian Michael Bendis, Jim Lee, Curt Swan, Jerry Ordway, and much more! Make sure to pick up your copy!