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Some say that fandom is fickle. But fans are also a fiercely loyal bunch, and there's no better example than in the Critical Blast awards for 2018's Best in the comics industry. Last year, we saw DC Comics sweep all three categories, with DARK NIGHTS: METAL taking Best Story, with TOM KING taking Best Writer for BATMAN and ETHAN VAN SCIVER taking Best Artist for his work on HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS.
But this is truly a first, because we have another sweep -- this time going to an independent publisher, and all for the same title!
When we first reviewed TAP DANCE KILLER, we knew we were seeing the debut of something special from Hero Tomorrow. But we had no idea that the fans were reacting the same way until the numbers began to pour in on our annual readers' poll. We could not have foreseen that the title would far and away outpace such favorites as MISTER MIRACLE, VENOM, and HEROES IN CRISIS. Likewise, we had no clue that writer TED SIKORA would suddenly rocket past such known names as GAIL SIMONE (by nearly double!), MATTHEW ROSENBERG, and DAN SLOTT. And we had absolutely no idea that NIKOLAUS HARRISON, a name we had never hard of before in the wonderful world of comics, would handily defeat the likes of SARA PICHELLI, GARY FRANK, CLAY MANN, and MITCH GERADS!
But there you have it. One book, two creators, three awards. Apparently there's something about TAP DANCE KILLER that is striking a chord in readers and they're very vocal about it. Maybe we should all look into it a bit more the next time we're in our LCS picking up new books.