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Every month the staff at Critical Blast combs the cosplay community for up-and-coming cosplayers who deserve to have a broader audience for their work, taking into account not only costuming skills and spirit, but also how they use that ability in service to others. Through this, we've not only met some talented cosplayers, but also some fine human beings.
We've been telling readers all year long that there is a cosplay revolution taking place in the southern hemisphere, with some breakout talent that is truly eye-popping. More than that, the camaraderie that has come from our Brazilian friends has been nothing short of inspiring. That is certainly the case with this month's featured cosplayer, who brings his optimism and acting skills to the convention floors and public events, breathing life into some of the most recognizable -- and most underserved -- characters of comics and pop culture.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pride that we at Critical Blast present to you, our...
Critical Blast Bombshell, April 2020
Lord Alexandre
Penguin (DC COMICS)
photo credit: Henrique Ehiji
What is your interest in cosplay?
Cosplay is my escape valve. In the past, when I was young, I used to go to the cinema almost every week until it was no longer possible to do so. Soon after, I entered a theater course which explored my creativity by acting and writing amateur plays; but then I had to start working, which prevented me from continuing in the theater. I needed something to be able to de-stress, relax, escape from reality until I went to a nerd / geek event and saw cosplay for the first time. I fell in love and soon started thinking about my first cosplay.
How did you get into cosplay, and what was your first cosplay experience?
I went to my first event, Anime Friends, in 2013 and I was going there to be able to see only the author of "Um Sábado Qualquer" ("Once Upon a Saturday") web strips. But when I entered this event, I saw several people dressed up as diverse characters linked to oriental culture like manga and anime, and others from pop culture like Harry Potter, DC and Marvel. I really enjoyed it, and I took pictures with them. Only later did I know that was called cosplay!
The following year, there was an event, Dia do Fã (Fan Day), which I followed since its first edition in 2004. That year, 2014, the event celebrated 10 years, in addition to the 75th anniversary of Batman. I have been in love since I was seven years old when I saw Tim Burton's 1989 BATMAN in the cinema. I wanted to cosplay, and ended up wanting to make the Penguin, as much for my physique as well as I missed this character in the cosplay environment, where I had only found Riddler and Joker.
Although much of the first cosplay was done with clothes I had in my wardrobe, other things I provided with a good seamstress and a hat shop where I bought a top hat. I painted my umbrella and went. As soon as I arrived at the "Dia do Fã" (Fan Day) event I was greeted with many requests for photos and many compliments. In the next event, "Fest Comix" 2014, it was the confirmation and recognition of so many other cosplayers who would become great friends in the future who were encouraging me to make other characters and get to know me better.
How has your cosplay evolved since you began?
The first thing I felt in evolution was social integration--new friendships that brought other cosplayers and cosmakers, as well as knowledge of materials such as fabrics, 3D printing, equipment and accessories for making cosplays. And over time, with the interaction, I have evolved my mind, on various subjects that have arisen for some time now in the cosplay environment, such as blackface, crossplay, genderbender cosplay and many other diverse subjects being controversial or not here in Brazil.
But with regard to my cosplays, I was applying knowledge acquired by my friends, and always trying to give my best in each creation of a new cosplay to stay as faithful as possible--or as close to the essence of the character, as in the case of the gijinka versions. I am currently in that phase, as Bowser has been my favorite so far. I still have a dream to make a cosplay very mega-produced and laborious, but I still don't think I got there.
Doctor Robotnik (SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, Sony)
photo: Maurício Silvério
What is your "secret identity" outside of cosplaying?
Outside of cosplay, I'm a civil servant. I work in the security department.
What kind of social or charity activities do you get involved in with your cosplay?
When I started in cosplay, I received an invitation to participate in the recording for Teleton 2015, together with the group "Super Heróis da Alegria" (Super Heroes of Joy). We cosplay and interact with children and teenagers with physical disabilities, giving support, encouragement, affection, attention and love. That was a very good contact, the experience. I ended up creating "Galera do Bem" (Good Guys) with the cosplayers of my city, and we tried to do it but it didn't work out very well because I couldn't always get the members together. But whenever there is an invitation from a charitable or charitable social activity, I try to go when possible.
I have the group "Asilo Gotham" (Gotham Asylum), which is a Batman fan club, which now encompasses the whole of DC, posting news and humor related to DC, be it cinema, television, comics and other media, and from time to time I create private events related to Batman to set up cosplay groups and going together at some medium or large event. In 2017 I created the "Cosplays Walk", which is a cosplay walk on Avenida Paulista, that is closed to cars on Sundays for Paulistas to walk, exercise and dance with shows across the avenue. I create Cosplays Walk events and call cosplay people to go cosplay and enjoy the urban look for photos in addition to showing our passion, interacting with people from São Paulo asking for photos, showing our love for the characters as well as the hobby, and trying to disseminate more information about cosplay. A lot of people do not know about it and do not have direct contact (with cosplayers), and because of that, it ends up generating ignorance of it among Brazilians.
photo: Bruno Antonucci
Do you make as much of your own costume as possible or rely on purchased materials -- and is that important overall to cosplaying?
Currently, I do not have skills (except with small, simple things), space (my apartment is very small, nor can I make dirt--that I would certainly have a lot of AHAHAHAH) and time to make my own cosplays myself. So I use my excellent dressmaker, who made most of my cosplays, who I follow step by step and give guidelines, ideas and processes, working together to make an impeccable look. When it comes to cosplay props, I know several trusted cosmakers with whom I request quotes, measurements and information. The biggest difficulty here in Brazil is to find a good wigmaker. I currently only know one person who can make wigs from scratch, tailored and with different hairstyles that you need; the other wigmakes know how to style only.
Another difficulty is to find the right fabric for cosplay, with that pattern or that shape. So here we end up opting for fabric that LOOKS the same, as similar as possible to the look of that character. Regarding makeup, I always hire two friends of mine (depending on the characters I'm making) to be able to simulate the cosplay environment, in addition to encouraging their creativity and thus supporting my makeup friends in their work in the cosplay environment.
What's your favorite cosplay, your "go to" look that you just love to put on and act out?
It's difficult to choose a favorite, especially because there are many factors that affect the choice of a cosplay to use in any event: weather of the day, your mood at the moment, event indoors or outdoors, a lot (more elaborate cosplays) or little (simpler, practical cosplays) production and many other factors that can change everything. It is difficult to choose a favorite because I always choose characters that have my physique, from a universe that I love, with an interesting look.
Where can people go to find you online?
As Alexandre has mentioned, he tailors a lot of his cosplays to his own physique. Astonishingly, that makes him a dead ringer for the fearsome foe of Marvel's Daredevil, the Man Without Fear. Here he is as Wilson Fisk, aka The Kingpin (photo by Cleuri Junior).