Game Jab| Yooka Laylee: Some Sweet Advance Moves!
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Instead of a video description today, it is now story time so gather around children. This is a reenactment of story told somewhere in the 90's. Today Zach and Kevin will be playing the two characters but we will replace the original character's names in hopes you will know where this from.
Open scene with Zach and Kevin sitting in a dead whale carcass.
"Um... Kevin, it's hot and stinky."
"Zach! I don't like it, it's hot and stinky... Of coarse it's hot and stinky... It's a fish carcass rotting in the son!"
"I'm so tired of you complaining... NOTHINGS EVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU IS IT?!"
"Maybe... We can find a new home?"
"Find a better home!?! Where we gonna find another fish carcass as nice as this?... we're STAYING!"
"But Kevin the worms are RISING!"
"It's just a few little maggots. Shut YOUR HOLE!"
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Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Brandon Burch – Composed both the intro and outro music. This man is talented! Head on over to show him some love and support