
Knight Moves: Gotham Episode 407, "A Day in the Narrows"

Gotham - A Day in the Narrows

Professor Pyg (MICHAEL CERVERIS) continues to plague the GCPD, delivering 44 boxes of severed pigs heads to the precinct -- one for every cop there except for one: Jim Gordon (BEN MCKENZIE). That's because Pyg believes that Jim is the only good cop on the force and the rest are stooges for Penguin (ROBIN LORD TAYLOR). And he's not wrong. With the "Pax Penguina" in full effect, crime has dropped but only because Penguin only allows crimes if he has granted a license, which the police are forced to honor in exchange for the lower crime numbers.


Nickelodeon announces new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series to debut in 2018

From Gamespot:

There's something big happening in the sewers of New York City. Nickelodeon has announced the cast of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles--the newest reimagining of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series--and there are some significant changes coming.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles taps into the mystic side of the story about four mutated turtles--Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael--who are raised as brothers by their mentor and sensei Splinter, a mutated rat. An official description from Nickelodeon says the series "follows the band of brothers as they encounter new allies and villains and discover a mystical world they never knew existed beneath the streets of New York City."


Is Disney taking greed to a whole new level with Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

I saw this piece in the Wall Street Journal today (not my usual source for entertainment news):

Before exhibitors can begin screening "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" this December, they must first commit to a set of top-secret terms that numerous theater owners say are the most onerous they've ever seen. Disney will receive about 65% of ticket-sales revenue from the film, a new benchmark for a Hollywood studio. Disney is also requiring theaters to show the movie in their largest auditorium for at least four weeks.


Pep Talk: Riverdale Episode 204, "The Town That Dreaded Sundown"

Riverdale, The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Archie's video of himself and The Red Circle has gone viral, and is making waves. Hermione Lodge forbids Veronica to continue dating him, his father wants the video removed (too late, it's already been shared), and Principal Weatherbee wants the Red Circle disbanded and a letter of apology to the community be signed, or else Archie will be suspended -- and he's eliminating the entire football team until this happens.

Even the South Side Serpents have seen the video, and they think Archie makes a fine target -- for Jughead! He can earn his stripes as a Serpent by bringing them Archie's head. They see the Black Hood as a hero, taking it to the Northsiders who have always looked down on them.


DeVore Fidelity's 3XL Speakers Artistic Achievement

Devore 3xl speakers

The DeVore 3XL speakers from DeVore Fidelity are a small 2-way monitor. The drive units are comprised of a .75 inch custom-made soft dome tweeter and 5 inch paper cone woofer from SEAS of Denmark. The cabinets are made out of real Bamboo (no Veneer here) and measure 15.25H X 7.3125W X 10.875D. They are 8 Ohm, 90db sensitivity rated speakers, which makes them very easy to drive by amplification of even modest wattage. The speakers are best suited to be placed on stands, and the matching bamboo stands are not only the perfect match for them aesthetically but sonically as well.

Although they are the smallest of the Gibbon line, they still incorporate the same tweeter that is used in their top-of-the-line Silverback speakers. They retail for $3,700.00 a pair, with an additional $595.00 for the stands, which should be considered prerequisite.

The speakers are made in the USA at John DeVore's facilities in the old Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York City.


THOR: RAGNAROK Stands Tall Among Marvel's Best Films

THOR RAGNAROK opens Nov. 2, 2017.

Before I tell you about Marvel’s latest superhero epic, Thor: Ragnarok, let us all get on the same four-color page. There are four parties most interested in this epic culmination of what is at least a trilogy at this point for the God of Thunder:       


Catching Up: The Flash Episode 404, "Elongated Journey Into Night

Flash 404, Elongated Journey Into Night

I recently spoke with someone who had given up THE FLASH after last season.  I had urged this person to give Season 4 a try because they were really getting it right this time.

"Elongated Journey Into Night" is no exception. The writers, stepping away from the "wicked speedster of the year" theme and the "Barry just isn't fast enough" macguffin have finally hit their groove and are hitting the show on all cylinders.

The episode opens with Cisco (CARLOS VALDES) having an intimate moment with Gypsy (JESSICA CAMACHO) which gets interrupted by a scary-looking breacher (DANNY TREJO). His name, appropriately enough, is Breacher -- but Gypsy prefers to call him "Daddy."


Fall into Cosplay with our November Bombshell, Bean J. Bunny

November 2017 Bombshell Bean J. Bunny

Cosplay opens itself to so many genres for creative people who want to bring the otherworldly to reality. Many draw upon comic books and movies. But even more draw upon video games and Japanese anime films or manga.

That's the forte of our November Bombshell, who applies her craftsmanship and experience to characters like Ibuki Mioda (DANGANROPA 2: GOODBYE DESPAIR) and Cynthia (FIRE EMBLEM). And it takes quite an imagination to fully flesh out a character who exists in a 16-bit world like UNDERTALE.

So without further ado, Critical Blast is happy to present to our readers the Lead Cadette of the Super Stitch Siblings and this month's Critical Blast Bombshell!



The Longbox Short-List - Week of November 1, 2017

Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week.   Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that.  Let's get to it!

Comics shipping this week

All in all a pretty light week, but a couple of big new titles to talk about.



Top 5 Halloween Songs of All-Time

Happy Halloween! Just for fun, I've compiled a short-list of Halloween songs, which could be considered the top songs of all-time for the spooktacular holiday. No Halloween party would be complete without hearing these 5 songs at one point or another. So without any further delay, let's get to the list!

5: Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie

The closest thing to a modern age song you'll find on this list, released in 1999, almost anything by Rob Zombie is Halloween worthy. A super fan of horror films, Rob Zombie delivers a song with all the creepiness you need on Halloween. The opening line of dialogue: "Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable lust for the dead?" is the perfect intro for a song as creepy as it's title implies.


Devil's Advocate: Lucifer Episode 305, "Welcome Back Charlotte Richards"

Lucifer 305 Welcome Back Charlotte Ricards

TRICIA HELFER returns to the role of Charlotte Richards in this episode of Lucifer. Only this time she's really Charlotte Richards. Prior to that, she was a human host occupied by Lucifer's mum, the Goddess of Creation. When Lucifer gave her a new home, the body collapsed. By rights, that should have been it, since the body was freshly murdered when mum took it over. But there's something deeper going on, and Charlotte is oblivious to it. All she knows is that she's lost six months of her life, her family, her children--and she has to go on acting like she remembers it all to avoid people thinking she's crazy. Because she's pretty sure she spent the last six months in Hell.


The Evolution of Thor

Evolution of Thor

Just because you're a god doesn't mean you can't change -- several times, in fact, for reasons of environment, fashion, or unexpected plot twists.

The Norse god of thunder, Thor, isn't immune to these changes, having gone from a clean-shaven "Goldilocks" to a close-cropped bearded Avenger to...a frog? And later, a woman?

Thor isn't one afraid to turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes! And the folks at have put together a nifty little infographic that helps you trace all the different looks he's taken on over the years. Adjust your cosplay accordingly.



Knight Moves: Gotham Episode 406, "Hog Day Afternoon"

Judgment comes to the Gotham police as those on the payroll of Penguin (ROBIN LORD TAYLOR) start to find themselves being slaughtered, their bodies left wearing the heads of pigs. This is the introduction of the character Professor Pyg (MICHAEL CERVERIS), and his motives have yet to be explained. But he's a big fan of Jim Gordon (BEN MCKENZIE) and his stance against police corruption. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way about Gordon's partner, Harvey Bullock (DONAL LOGUE).


Buckingham/McVie Are Still Finger Picking Good

Lindsey Buckingham/Christine McVie played the Fox Theatre on 10/28/17. Photo from

I grew hearing Fleetwood Mac on the radio, but really became aware of them when MTV ran videos for their Tango In the Night hits “Everywhere”, “Seven Wonders,” “Big Love,” and  “Little Lies.” Singer/guitarist Lindsey Buckingham’s “Go Insane” and singer/Keyboardist Christine McVie’s “Got A Hold On Me” were also frequently on MTV in those halcyon days of actual music videos. I remember thinking that Buckingham was a little bit odd, possibly due to his shock of dark curly hair over piercing eyes that seemed to bore into my soul through the television. His voice often seemed somewhat odd too, at least to me. I always thought he’d play a really cool version of the Devil in a long form video or perhaps on Broadway, or maybe even attempt to breakout into film. McVie, on the other hand, seemed much more the wallflower, bashfully sticking to the sidelines while her band mates made the bigger waves.  Those notions were both somewhat accurate and wildly wrong.


Zachary Levi cast to play Shazam in upcoming film

From The Hollywood Reporter:

Zachary Levi is going to be Earth's mightiest mortal.

The actor will star in the DC comic book adaptation Shazam!, which follows a boy named Billy Batson, who can transform into an adult superhero by uttering the magic word "Shazam!" 



Disney's THE LION KING, the Broadway Musical, is a Roaring Success!

Lion King Broadway

Hakuna Matata! It means no worries! And that's exactly what you'll have when you go see the off-broadway production of Disney's THE LION KING.

On tour, to bring this brilliant musical production to a city near you, it is currently in Syracuse, NY for 3 weeks. At the vintage, and beautiful, Landmark Theater, I wasn't quite sure if it could accomodate a show with large set pieces and near life-size elephant costumes.

But they pulled it off.


Weekend Blast - October 27, 2017


What did we talk about on Critical Blast this week?


Weekend Blast - October 27, 2017

What did we talk about on Critical Blast this week?




Regal Cinemas looking to charge "dynamic pricing" AKA further screwing movie patrons....

According to

Regal Entertainment Group, the second largest chain in the partnering with mobile ticketing app maker, Atom Tickets, to test out a "demand-based pricing for film tickets in several markets early next year," according to Variety.

The higher demand in a movie -- say "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" or "Justice League," to cite two upcoming titles expected to be hugely successful -- the higher the ticket price.


Great Rock with Real Purpose: Ricky Byrd's Clean Getaway

Ricky Byrd, Clean Getaway

Ricky Byrd, 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee (with Joan Jett and the Blackhearts) and reformed addict (over 30 years clean), has been writing songs and playing concerts at rehab and recovery clinics around the nation to bring hope to those in recovery to help give them the strength to carry on. As he puts it, he was blessed with the “gift of desperation” in 1987.

The collections of songs on his latest album, CLEAN GETAWAY, comes because of requests from people at these shows, and I can honestly say I have never heard anything else like this collection of songs before.


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