#LionsgateHorror Digital Download Contest: The Blair Witch Project
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This contest has ended. The randomly selected winner is:
Diane V of Chesterfield, VA.
Ah, the digital life! We no longer have to set aside valuable space in our homes to store our movies. Now they can reside in cyberspace, or on our hard drives.
And that's the crux of our giveaway this time: One lucky entrant will win a Digital Download code for THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Just enter your information in the form below and be entered into the contest. Be sure to review all the rules regarding eligibility. CriticalBlast.com will not, does not, doesn't plan to, and will never share your personal information, and all entries are deleted upon confirmation of prize delivery to the selected winner's address. (Thank you, U.S. Postal Service, for online tracking!)
This contest will take entries through Thursday, November 6th, 2014.
While you're on you're way to the entry form, take a second to look over the rest of this Halloween wicked-coolness from Lionsgate!
Relive the horror classic! THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods, but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror.
Or dive into a new horror experience - from the director of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT comes EXISTS, for five friends, it was a chance for a summer getaway - a weekend of camping in the Texas Big Thicket. But visions of a carefree vacation are shattered with an accident on a dark and desolate country road.
In the meantime, what’s a Halloween party without some creepy background visuals? Download the films and be prepped for this month’s creepy festivities.
THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT - http://www.vudu.com/movies/?CID=partner&SCID=LG&KWID=Blairwitch#!content/7045
EXISTS - http://www.vudu.com/movies/?CID=partner&SCID=LG&KWID=Exists#!content/576219
CABIN IN THE WOODS - http://www.vudu.com/movies/?CID=partner&SCID=LG&KWID=Cabininthewoods#!content/319687
CABIN FEVER - http://www.vudu.com/movies/?CID=partner&SCID=LG&KWID=Cabinfever#!content/6629
THE DESCENT - http://www.vudu.com/movies/?CID=partner&SCID=LG&KWID=Descent#!content/6963