Amid Muddle of Rebirth Titles, Damian Wayne Brings Titans Together
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When I read the REBIRTH: TEEN TITANS issue last month, I had some recriminations about the book. Having Damian Wayne individually take down each hero -- Beast Boy, Starfire, Kid Flash and Raven -- in relatively short order, I was seeing once again the "invincible boy wonder" with sociopathy issues. How was this going to work?
Thankfully, with the proper debut of the series, TEEN TITANS #1, Benjamin Percy and Jonboy Meyers turn the whole introduction around in a way that makes perfect sense. Damian Wayne -- Robin, son of Batman -- was, in his own way, simultaneously making a point...and asking for help.
While I'm not getting quite the same vibe from this incarnation of the Teen Titans that I got from either the incomparable Marv Wolfman / George Perez incarnation, or from the extremely close second Geoff Johns version, I am at the very least intrigued enough to stick with it. The characters are right, even if it's a completely different Kid Flash, and unrecognizable Raven, and a hardly-a-teen Starfire. The tone works, with each character having a unique voice, and you can see the beginnings of a synergy among them. The only thing I am on the fence about is the involvement of Goliath -- because really how good do you have to be when you're being looked out for by a gigantic, loyal bat-monster?
Artistically, TEEN TITANS appears to be one of the better drawn books in the DC stable these days -- certainly the best looking version of Kid Flash you'll see this week! Jim Charalampidis' colors contribute greatly to the feel of the book, delivering a mixed palette of brilliant hues and somberly muted filters. The ominous present Damian opens in his bedroom for his thirteenth birthday is probably the most beautifully drawn bit of grossness in the book.
So I'm along for the ride for now, and I'm bringing my optimism with me that this new Teen Titans may continue to be worth my three bucks each issue.