Call Me Brother a Comic Look at the Awkward Side of Incest
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Tony and Lisa are two awkward teenagers, stumbling through life cluelessly, interacting with peers mired down in their own quirks of hypersexuality and impulsivity. Among all of them, Tony and Lisa are perfect for each other. They're shy, inexperienced, and ready to take that next step with each other.
There's just one problem: they're siblings. Not "Greg and Marsha Brady" siblings. Not half-siblings. Full on same set of parents siblings.
CALL ME BROTHER is a slice of AMERICAN PIE, baked up by MALLRATS and served by NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. It's distinctly independent, and not as prurient as the plot may lead you to believe. While the film is full of sex acts and innuendo, it's off panel or well blocked -- not a stitch of nudity, so if you're looking for that, keep it in your pants, perv.
Christina Parrish and Andrew Dismukes have an intriguing chemistry together as Lisa and Tony, two siblings who have been separated by divorced parents -- Lisa with her narcissistic mother, Tony with his sexually open father and stepmother. Brought together for a weekend after years apart, the two find themselves inexorably and uncomfortably drawn to each other. And, yes, it's just as uncomfortable for the audience, to be expected given the subject of the film.It's low key in tone yet manages to be over the top in its vulgarity.
CALL ME BROTHER will have you cringing in all the right places, and inexplicably cheering for this unlikeliest of couples, making their way in a small-town world that's eerily familiar. The film opens nationwide in virtual theaters on November 6.