

Game Jab| Yooka Laylee: Some Sweet Advance Moves!

With Loves and Kisses By Game Jab

Instead of a video description today, it is now story time so gather around children. This is a reenactment of story told somewhere in the 90's. Today Zach and Kevin will be playing the two characters but we will replace the original character's names in hopes you will know where this from.

Open scene with Zach and Kevin sitting in a dead whale carcass.


Game Jab | Yooka Laylee: Running Out Of Voices

Born And Raised In Game Jab

Zach continuesto play Yooka-Laylee made by Playtonic Games.

Steal feels like magic as I play it. 
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Game Jab | Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Movie Reviews

Game Jab Yo!

Zach solos in this episode and reviews movies from one out of five stars. Where's Kevin? ... .... I dunno.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Game Jab | Yooka Laylee: Nostalgic!!!

Strictly sheltered by Game Jab

Zach here! Yo Banjo-Kazooie was one of my favorite childhood games playing back when the N64 was in it's prime and I remember spending hours playing Banjo-Kazooie only to fulfill my collectible needs. Plus the music was ADDICTING! 

Today I play Yooka-Laylee, a game that is supposed to be a perfect recreation of Banjo-Kazooie and a dedication to kids who grew up with early platform games. This game was created by people who actually worked on Banjo-Kazzoie and the same music that was composed by Grant Kirkhope makes a shining return in composing the music for Yooka-Laylee. 


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | What's Happened To Humanity?

Loved and worshiped by Game Jab

The boys take on a new hobby in Hyrule and learn to shield surf. Today the boys ask the the question. What has happened to our humanity?
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Shut Up Impa!

This episode was raised organically in a Zen environment in Game Jab labs.

You ready for story time? The boys try to carry out a show but Impa just wont shut up!
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Worst Dating Stories

Oh Yeah! Game Jab

The boys continue to explore Hyrule and in this vast open land the boys find themselves lost in a vast amount of conversations. Today the boys share they're worst dating stories.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Game Jab | Joe's Diner: SShhh! Be Quiet!

Freshly Prepared By Game Jab

Zach and Kevin work the night shift at Joe's Diner, cleaning up after messy customers while putting up with noisy dead people.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: 90's Childhood

All Game Jab Related

Things start to pick up, things start to get freaky! Watch Kevin and Zach scream like little babies as they count down 45 things from a 90's childhood that you probably forgot about.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: PJ DAY!

OooHhh! Dat's Spooky!

Both the boys brought their pajamas to the mansion.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Conversation Starters Pt. 2

Batteries Not Included

We continue on with more conversation starters for you if ever a time you may need them.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Square Enix, Blizzard, Wizards of the Coast at MomoCon 2017

Momocon logo

ATLANTA - April 19, 2017 - Square Enix, Blizzard and Wizards of the Coast will be among the companies at MomoCon, the convention with the largest gaming floor in the Southeastern United States.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: Fork In The Road

Well Crafted By Game Jab

They boys seem to be losing it in this mansion as well as getting lost in conversation. Brand Burch's reputation even lurks here.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Conversation Starters Pt. 1

By Game Jab

The boys felt it was well needed to think up some conversation starters while roaming around the vast land of Hyrule.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: Endless Entertainment

Chewed Up And Spit Out By Game Jab

As kevin continious to struggle and slowly slip into madness because of the endless maze, Zach is loving every second of Kevin's torture.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


A Link To The Past: I DID IT!

Uploaded and Removed FiveTtimes By Game Jab

The Triforce is real, the legend is real... THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! OH MY GOD THE STRUGGLE!


Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild | If You Won The Lottery

Inspected and Approved By Game Jab

The boys ask the age old question. What would you do if you won the lottery? If you would like to play along then please feel free to leave a comment down below.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: THE MADNESS!

Pushed Out By Game Jab

Zach forces Kevin to travel down what appears to be an endless maze. Forced to go through room to room only to slip further into madness.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


A Link To The Past: What A Cruel World!

Well Cooked By Game Jab

Zach continues to feel the struggle as he travels further and further down the rabbit hole only to loop around in circles.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild | Kevin's Stories

Dripped Out By Game Jab

Kevin shares with Zach a rough night he had while at the ER. Mr. Berry almost wen full phoenix on everyone.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.


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