Submitted by Mike 'Ace' Maillaro on Thu, 01/26/2017 - 10:26
Yesterday, both Marvel and Square Enix had said they would be making big announcements this morning. There was a lot of speculation that the two were connected. I even heard speculation that it was about Marvel characters being heavily featured in KINGDOM HEARTS 3.
But instead, what they announced was something called "The Avengers project" from Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, and Eidos-Montréal!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 01/25/2017 - 11:00
Zach finds another relic from his past and shares it with Kevin. This time the boys are playing Chameleon twist for the N64 - Nintendo 64.
Zach would rent this game so much at his local Hastings (Rest In Peace.) That Hastings decided to just give it to him because he would rent it back to back and loved it so much.
Now it's time for Kevin to jump into the action and Zach's child hood and see how far he can stretch that tongue.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/23/2017 - 08:37
Zach digs up and old game from his childhood past to share with Kevin. The boys take a trip back in time to play this not so good but not too bad of a game.
RADICAL! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/23/2017 - 00:18
The boys talk about the good and the many bad things of 2016.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 01/18/2017 - 07:19
The boys play the what would you do game and things get pretty personal.
_ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 01:49
AIAIAIAII! POWER RANGERS! WHERE ARE THOSE POWER RANGER? ... ... I ask for the Power Rangers and I get these two...
IT'S MORPHIN' TIME! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 10:00
The boys jump back into the Blind Booth to take on Mario Bros 2 and this time you can watch them on Face Cam as requested.
We hope you enjoy. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 00:58
How many times can Kevin die in one episode? Better yet... How many times can Kevin die on the first level? _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Tue, 01/03/2017 - 22:57
Zach and Kevin have some of the weirdest conversations in space.
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Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/02/2017 - 00:58
The boys have decided to start up a new on and off series called Blind Let's Play inspired by the Game Grumps. The person who is playing is blindfolded while the other person who is watching is that persons eyes and has to direct the person who is blindfolded to the end of the level.
Next time we will do a face cam.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 12/28/2016 - 00:52
Kevin starts downing Zach in Mario Galaxy but that wont shatter Zach's spirits.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Thu, 12/22/2016 - 03:00
Zach and Kevin celebrate the Holidays by sharing some of the most crappiest Christmas stories ever.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 12/21/2016 - 11:27
space is trippy bro!
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 19:37
The boys meet the boys in Three Stooges The Video Game for the NES. Kevin ask's Zach Trivia questions.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 01:05
Kevin and Zach help Mario deal with Bower's little brat son.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!