Book Store


Children's Books

A Knight Before Christmas (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Erickson, Krista
A Knight Before Christmas (softcover)
Carter, R. J. and Erickson, Krista
Little President Trump's Sandbox (Deluxe)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis
Little President Trump's Sandbox (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
Little President Trump's Sandbox (softcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
Little President Trump's Sandbox (digest)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter

Notebooks and Journals

Little President Trump's Notebook (softcover)
Gatsis, George Peter
Little President Trump's Notebook (hardcover)
Gatsis, George Peter


The Fables Next Door (trade paperback)
Willingham, Bill and Foster, Alan Dean and Carter, R. J.
The Devil You Know Best (trade paperback)
Carter, R. J.
The Devil You Know (trade paperback)
Cannavo, Sarah and Mincemeyer, Damascus and Carter, R. J.
The Devil You Know Better (trade paperback)
Carter, R.J. and Baron, Mike and Fisher, Hart, D
The Monsters Next Door (trade paperback)
Carter, R. J. and Olney, Diana and Riser, Troy
Gods & Services (trade paperback)
Carter, R. J. and Bloom, Ira and Pedersen, David J.


UFO Cults: Watch the Skies (hardcover)
Clingman, Doctor and Hess, Douglas
UFO Cults: Watch the Skies (softcover)
Clingman, Doctor and Hess, Douglas
Paranormal Files: The Flying Saucers Are Real
Keyhoe, Donald and Clingman, Wayne and Pasika, Shanta
Paranormal Files: The Flying Saucers Are Real
Keyhoe, Donald and Clingman, Wayne and Pasika, Shanta

True Crime

The Buffalo Mob: The Return Of Organized Crime To The Queen City (Illustrated Extended Edition) (trade paperback)
Clingman, Wayne
The Buffalo Mob: The Return Of Organized Crime To The Queen City (Illustrated Extended Edition) (hardcover)
Clingman, Wayne
The Mafia in Hollywood: Stories from Pre-Code Film to Deep Throat (Expanded Edition) (pocket book)
Clingman, Wayne and Hess, Douglas

Graphic Novels


Alter Ego: Volume 1 (softcover)

Thomas, Roy and Harris, Ron


US Shipping 

International Shipping

The Atlantean #1 (A4)
Zimmerman, Randy and Leach, Russ
Flare Archives: Volume 1 (digest)
Mallonee, Dennis
Flare Archives: Volume 1 (softcover)
Mallonee, Dennis
Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt Archives: Volume 1 (hardcover)
Thomas, Roy and Thomas, Dann
League of Champions, Volume 6: The Morrigan Wars (hardcover)
Mallonee, Dennis and Vogel, Henry
Southern Knights: The Morrigan Wars (hardcover)
Vogel, Henry and Mallonee, Dennis
Southern Knights: Almost Complete Collection (hardcover)
Vogel, Henry and Willis, David
Flare Archives: Volume 1 (hardcover)
Mallonee, Dennis
Kor-Drath: A Christmas Miracle (Kids Version)
Turner, Dennis and Smith, Andy
Kor-Drath: A Christmas Miracle (Mature Version)
Turner, Dennis and Smith, Andy
The King of Kings: The Chronicles of Jesus (digest)
Dawson, Brian S
The King of Kings: The Chronicles of Jesus (A4)
Dawson, Brian S
The King of Kings: The Chronicles of Jesus (softcover)
Dawson, Brian S
The King of Kings: The Chronicles of Jesus (Treasure Chest Edition)
Dawson, Brian S
The Black Blossom: Vol 1. One Fierce Flower (Treasure Chest Edition)
David, Evan
The Black Blossom: Vol 1. One Fierce Flower (softcover)
David, Evan
The Black Blossom: Vol 1. One Fierce Flower (A4)
David, Evan
The Black Blossom: Vol 1. One Fierce Flower (digest)
David, Evan
Russ Leach's The Shadow Kingdom: Black and White E ....
Howard, Robert E and Leach, Russ and Zimmerman, Randy
The Unredacted Abductables (digest)
Derrick, Michael and Canales, Ibai
The Unredacted Abductables (softcover)
Derrick, Michael and Canales, Ibai
The Unredacted Abductables (hardcover)
Derrick, Michael and Canales, Ibai
Melvin #3: Special Edition
Olson, Timothy
Perfect 10: Artist Edition (hardcover)
Brink, Dave and Rodrix, Pow
The Shadow Kingdom (hardcover)
Howard, Robert E and Zimmerman, Randy and Leach, Russ
The Shadow Kingdom (softcover)
Howard, Robert E and Zimmerman, Randy and Leach, Russ
The Shadow Kingdom (digest)
Howard, Robert E and Zimmerman, Randy and Leach, Russ
GH057 STORY: BROKEN UNITY (hardcover)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
GH057 STORY: COLD GRAVITY (hardcover)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
GH057 STORY: DOUBLE STARS (hardcover)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
Aristocratic Xtraterrestrial Time-Traveling Thieves (digest)
Vogel, Henry
Aristocratic Xtraterrestrial Time-Traveling Thieves (paperback)
Vogel, Henry
Aristocratic Xtraterrestrial Time-Traveling Thieves (hardcover)
Vogel, Henry
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Bull Calf (pocket book)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Bull Calf (paperback)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Bull Calf (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
GH057 STORY: BROKEN UNITY (paperback)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
GH057 STORY: COLD GRAVITY (paperback)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
GH057 STORY: DOUBLE STARS (paperback)
Folkenstal, Ana and Thien, Hoang Trong
Nano-13: #1: Issue 1
Faction, Kris and Moscicki, Ron
Melvin #0: Special Edition
Olson, Timothy Lee and Ewing, Rob
2100 Samurai: Big Trouble in Neo Detroit (pocket book)
Gibson, Nick and Agisi, Ami and Quiroga, Brian
2100 Samurai: Big Trouble in Neo Detroit (trade paperback)
Gibson, Nick and Agisi, Ami and Quiroga, Brian
2100 Samurai: Big Trouble in Neo Detroit (hardcover)
Gibson, Nick and Agisi, Ami and Quiroga, Brian
Melvin #2: Special Edition
Olson, Timothy Lee and Ewing, Rob and Teles, Sid
2100 Samurai: Big Trouble in Neo Detroit (collected edition)
Gibson, Nick and Agisi, Ami and Quiroga, Brian
The Black Diamond Effect Collected Edition (hardcover)
Gatsis, George Peter


GraysKale: Book 1: Welcome to Glitter City (pocket book)
Derrick, Michael and Santra, Pramit


GraysKale: Book 1: Welcome to Glitter City (trade paperback)
Derrick, Michael and Santra, Pramit
GraysKale: Book 1: Welcome to Glitter City (hardcover)
Santra, Pramit and Derrick, Michael
Melvin #1: Special Edition
Olson, Timothy Lee and Saynes, Sherwin Caayao
The Incantesi: Book One and Two Collected Edition (hardcover)
Perotta, Rich and Perotta, Rich
The Incantesi: Book One and Two Collected Edition (trade paperback)
Perotta, Rich and Perotta, Rich
The Incantesi: Book One and Two Collected Edition (pocket book)
Perotta, Rich and Perotta, Rich
The Black Diamond Effect: Joe King vs Job Ads (pocket book)
Gatsis, George
The Black Diamond Effect: Joe King vs Job Ads (trade paperback)
Gatsis, George
The Black Diamond Effect: Joe King vs Job Ads (hardcover)
Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Stuff and Nonsense (pocket book)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Stuff and Nonsense (paperback)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Stuff and Nonsense (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Carlo (pocket book)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Carlo (trade paperback)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Re-Imagined Adventures of A.B. Frost's Carlo (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Black Diamond Effect (pocket book)
Gatsis, George Peter

Young Adult

Bulletproof: Origins (trade paperback)
Mitchell, Stephen J
Bulletproof: Origins (hardcover)
Mitchell, Stephen J

SF / Fantasy / Horror

Don't Be Cruel (hardcover)
Zacek, Ray
Don't Be Cruel (trade paperback)
Zacek, Ray
The Black Diamond Effect: Oz USA: There's a Zombie in My Closet (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter
The Black Diamond Effect: Oz USA: There's a Zombie in My Closet (softcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George
The Black Diamond Effect: Oz USA: There's a Zombie in My Closet (digest)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, George Peter


Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 2 (hardcover)
Nowlan, Philip and Calkins, Dick
Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 2 (A4)
Nowlan, Philip and Calkins, Dick
Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 2 (digest)
Nowlan, Philip and Calkins, Dick
Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 1 (hardcover)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice and Foster, Hal
Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 1 (A4)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice and Foster, Hal
Thrilling Newspaper Strips of the Golden Age, 1929: Volume 1 (digest)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice and Foster, Hal
The Re-Imagined Chas H. Marshall 1891 Horse Laughs (softcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, Peter
The Re-Imagined Chas H. Marshall 1891 Horse Laughs (hardcover)
Carter, R. J. and Gatsis, Peter
The Brothers Grimm: The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales (hardcover)
Grimm, Jacob and Grimm, Wilhelm and Carter, R.J.
The Brothers Grimm: The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales (softcover)
Carter, R. J.

Coloring and Activity Books

Kor-Drath: A Christmas Miracle Coloring & Activity Book
Turner, Dennis and Smith, Andy


Critical Blast Publishing Colors Not Included #01
Gatsis, George Peter and Carter, R. J.
Critical Blast Publishing Colors Not Included #02
Gatsis, George Peter