Dedicated fans or whiny bitches? What's with Remake the Last Jedi?

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Apparently, a group of "fans" have decided to make an effort at remaking STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI, a movie that has mixed reviews to say the least. 

On Twitter, they posted:

While this is silly for a variety of reasons I will get to, I do have to give these guys some least this is an attempt (a silly one, but still at attempt) to bring their grievances to Disney directly.  It's sure better than harassing and threatening actresses on social media.  

But that said, it is still really dumb...

  • They claim to have received $62 million in pledges to remake the movie.  But pledges aren't actual money, and it is clear most people are just lemmings going along here. 
  • Making a Star Wars movie, especially when you don't have the knowledge, experience, or talent to make a Star Wars movie is literally hundreds of millions of dollars. 
  • Even if they had the money in hand (which they don't), the knowledge and talent to make a movie (which they don't), why would Disney ever give them the rights to do it?  At the most basic Business 101 level, this requires Disney to say that THE LAST JEDI was a failure in some way, which they are not ever going to do.  
  • Allowing a group of fans to get together and write their version of any movie is just pure masturbation.  Films are an art form, they should never be designed by committee.  Especially a committee of people who have no skills other than being able to complain on the internet.

But hey, I am here to provide solutions, not just criticism!!  If you guys do have mysterious backers with bags and bags of cash, why not make your own movie?  This way you can have a random bunch of guys bitching about it on social media!  I am officially announcing my own campaign!  We can call it, "Remake The Movie made by Remake the Last Jedi!"