The Longbox Short-List - Week of March 16, 2016
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Welcome back to Critical Blast’s weekly look at what new comics you should check out each week. Just a warning, I make these picks pretty much a week BEFORE I actually get to read any of these comics, so if something is a stinker, I take no blame on that. Let's get to it!
INTERNATIONAL IRON MAN #1 – Does Tony Stark need a second series? Probably not. Especially since it will be dealing with the whole “Stark is adopted” storyline that just makes no sense and adds nothing to the character. I actually have enjoyed Bendis’s work on Iron Man so far for the most part, I just don’t need to have two Iron Man books though. It seems like they could just double up on the main series if they HAVE to tell this story so badly.
A&A: THE ADVENTURES OF ARCHER AND ARMSTRONG #1 – So glad to have this series back. A+A (and Quantum and Woody) have always provided Valiant reader with a more ridiculous alternative to some of the more serious comic books out there. Valiant really needs this balance to some of their darker books. Don’t get me wrong, I love pretty much everything Valiant puts out, but Archer and Armstrong is definitely one of my favorites.
SECOND SIGHT #2 – Aftershock continues to put out some real unique books. SECOND SIGHT was actually the first Aftershock comic I read, and I was immediately hooked by David Hine’s extremely creepy story here. I was reminded of something like Dexter with a more supernatural twist to it.
BLACK CANARY #9, ROBIN SON OF BATMAN #10, SINESTRO #21 - Three of my favorite DC books, none of which seem to be surviving DC Rebirth. I think that is a huge mistake. DC seems to have gotten rid of a lot of their more unique titles. I am very worried that DC Rebirth is going to have a very homogenized feel to it. I hate to sound this cynical, but it’s exhausting to keep having to say goodbye to innovative books that just can’t find an audience among readers who will buy the same old, same old over and over again.
POWER MAN AND IRON FIST #2 – Loved the first issue, though I still think the art choice is a bad one. I can’t say this enough, “David F. Walker is one of the best in the business.” You need to buy this book (and Cyborg and Shaft).
SUPERMAN #50 + SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN #27 – I actually have not read last week’s Action Comics #50 when I sat down to write this, but I am assuming these issues will basically be the conclusion or the aftermath with Superman’s war with Vandal Savage. Truth started off good, but actually got better and better as it went on. These are some of the best Superman stories I’ve read in a long time.
HUCK #5 – Millar has been really at the top of his game on this one. This started out as what seemed like a simple homage to Superman, but there has been a lot of real clever twists and turns than have made this stand out as a strong unique book on its own.
WILL EISNER’S THE SPIRIT #9 – I had never read much Spirit before, but Dynamite puts out a lot of great books, so I had ended up giving the first issue a look on a whim. While this book has felt a little slow at times, I really enjoy the “updated Silver Age” feel it’s got going.