CW teases "Crisis on Earth X" Arrowverse crossover
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From EW:
The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will join forces in a crossover event called “Crisis on Earth X,” which begins production today. In this year’s crossover, all of the superheroes come to town for Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris’ (Candice Patton) wedding (sounds like couples’ therapy ended up working); however, villains for Earth-X crash the festivities with a deadly agenda.
To celebrate this two-night event, they commissioned legendary Wonder Woman artist Phil Jimenez to create a custom cover for the event, which is filled to the brim with spoilers.
“Phil was the perfect choice to bring the comic book cover iteration of this idea to life. You can count on one hand the number of artists who could compellingly represent so many characters in a single image. Phil is one of them. And his design invokes the cover of Justice League #207, which was the 20th Annual JLA/JSA crossover. Our 10-year-old selves are in heaven,” the producers said.
“Some of the first DC Comics I ever read were those insane crossovers with a dozen characters from alternate earths and dimensions — the kind of stuff I later became known for!” added Jimenez. “So when CW asked me to do an homage cover inspired by those amazing team-up covers, I couldn’t resist the chance to draw all of The CW’s DC superheroes in one crazy action sequence.”
The four-way crossover will air across two nights Monday, Nov. 27 and Tuesday, Nov. 28 on The CW. For this crossover event, Arrow will air on a special night Monday at 9 p.m. ET following Supergirl, while the other DC shows will remain in their regularly scheduled time periods.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Commentary: Before I saw this, I had no idea we were even getting The Ray. I liked the Joe Quesada Ray mini-series from back in the day, and have enjoyed the character ever since. Apparently he is from the animated FREEDOM FIGHTERS, which I also never heard of.
I have enjoyed the Arrowverse crossovers, though I am hoping this isn't another "something odd happens at end of an episode of Supergirl and the real crossover starts in Flash." Either way, I love all four of these shows, and I am looking forward to the returns next month, all around my birthday (October 10 for anyone who wants to send money).
Last season ARROW had it's best season in a while, and both SUPERGIRL and LEGENDS OF TOMORROW had strong second seasons (I actually liked LOT Season 2 better than season 1). I do think FLASH was the weakest link of the four, but I still enjoy the series more than just about anything else on TV.