All-New, All-Different Marvel (Part 1 of 5) - Spider-Titles
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Marvel has been announcing their post-Secret Wars plans. I'll be posting them up over the next few days with some commentary. I tried to break them up by theme. Starting today with Spider-Man.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 by Dan Slott and Guiseppe Camuncoli
Commentary: Excitement Level: 4 out of 5 - I was real surprised to see Dan Slott staying on Spider-Man. I've loved a lot of his run, so it's good news, but he's basically been on Spider-Man since 2010, so I expected he would be moving on. Especially since SPIDER-VERSE was so epic. I also heard so many rumors that Peter Parker would be gone replaced by Miles Morales. But, that was BS too.
Part of me does wants to see someone new take over Spider-Man, but I have liked Slott's work a lot, so I am looking forward to see what Slott has next.
SPIDER-MAN #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli
Excitement Level: 5 out of 5 - I'm a huge fan of Miles Morales, and this book is basically just picking up where ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN left off, with the same creative team. Everything I've read suggests that this will take place in the main Marvel Universe, and Peter will serve as a mentor for Miles. Bendis also said that the first arc will basically serve as a sequel to SPIDER-MEN.
I can't wait for this one!
SPIDER-WOMAN #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez
Excitement Level: 4.5 out of 5 - I have never been the biggest fan of Jessica Drew. In fact, I only picked up the first issue of the last SPIDER-WOMAN series because it was part of SPIDER-VERSE. Quickly, it became one of my favorite titles, especially once it set off on its own path after SPIDER-VERSE ended. Real glad to see Hopeless continuing on this book.
Which does leave us with a huge question: WHO KNOCKED UP JESSICA DREW??
WEB WARRIORS #1 by Mike Costa and David Baldeon
Excitement Level: 4 out of 5 - Throughout SECRET WARS, I've said over and over that I want to see these characters in a book, and it looks like my wish is going to come true. Mike Costa has done a great job showing different aspects of the Spider Legacy, and he should be great here. I am hoping this book has an EXILES feel to it since the tag line is "Defending the Spider-Verse."
SPIDER-MAN 2099 #1 by Peter David and Will Sliney
Excitement Level: 3.5 out of 5 - I was really enjoyed Peter David's most recent run on SPIDER-MAN 2099, but SECRET WARS 2099 has kind of been a disappointment. As a result, I am not sure how I will feel about this book. I will probably check out the first few issues to see how it goes.
Maybe it's just weird lighting, but if that cover is any representation, I am not digging the changes to the costume.
SPIDER-GWEN #1 by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez
Excitement Level: 3 out of 5 - I think Spider-Gwen is a great concept, but I also think that Marvel is sort of oversaturating us on the character already. No real surprise, it's rare for a character to come out of the chute with some much momentum, and Marvel is taking full advantage. They might have been better off just keeping her in WEB WARRIORS and not having her in her own title, too.
SILK #1 by Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee
Excitement Level: 3.5 out of 5 - You know, when they announced that SILK, SPIDER-GWEN, and SPIDER-WOMAN were all getting their own books after SPIDER-VERSE, I pretty much expected to give SILK an issue or two, and not much else. I didn't really like the character as she was written in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and SPIDER-VERSE.
But, once they launched her in her old title, I immediately started to enjoy the character and see the potential. I actually want to see her team up with Miles Morales! Get that done Marvel!
CARNAGE #1 by Gerry Conway and Mike Perkins
Excitement Level: 2 out of 5 - Yuck. This book just holds no real appeal for me at all.
MAYBE if they had kept him as a confused good guy like they did in AXIS there would be some appeal for me, but Carnage is pretty much completely tapped out for me. And villain comics never really work in the long term anyway, so I can't imagine anyone thinks this book has any chance of surviving.
VENOM: SPACEKNIGHT #1 by Robbie Thompson and Ariel Olivetti
Excitement Level: 1.5 out of 5 - I actually really like Flash Thompson as Venom, and his series was one of Marvel's most underappreciated books. But, as much as I like this version of the character, Marvel seems to have no clue what to do with him. His arc in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY was awful. And now they are keeping him out in space...seemingly having him fill in for ROM: SPACEKNIGHT. Who's brilliant idea was this?? That person needs to be never allowed to make any decisions. Ever again.